« Tables Rondes ACID » - Cannes Film Festival
Cannes (France) - 2023
The theme: ‘Documentary: subject, impact and cinema’. Discussion with Ina Seghezzi (co-president of the ACID), Jean-Marie Gigon (producer) and Cristina Piccino (critic and head of the Cinema section at the Italian newspaper El Manifesto, and programmer of the Filmmaker Festival in Milan). Moderated by Catherine Bizern (general delegate, Cinéma du réel).
Immersive Art Symposium
Rotterdam (Netherlands) - 2022
Cinedans Festival Amsterdam invited the Blies brothers to speak about danse, movement and technology with the italian dancer, performer and choreographer Margherita Landi. The event took place during the Immersive Tech Week in the concert hall and conference center De Doelen in Rotterdam.

Masterclass Annecy Film Festival
Annecy (France) - 2020
The Annecy Film Festival has asked the Blies brothers to take part in a Masterclass about the ability of animation to deal with the issue of sexual violence. Masterclasses are a privileged moment during which many international personalities come to share their vision of cinema. This year, the Festival was lucky to welcome Dean De Blois (Dragons), Jennifer Lee (The Snow Queen), Ron Clements (Aladdin) or Henry Selick and Bruno Coulais (Coraline).

"Voices from the frontline"
Ferrara (Italy) - 2022
Blies brothers were invited by the newspaper Internazionale to participate in the panel “Voices from the Frontline” with the following co-panelists: The journalists Matthew Caruana Galizia and Barbara Serra, as well as academics Victoria Vdovychenko and Giorgio Cella. The event was broadcasted on Rai Radio3 and Radio3 Mondo.

“From immersive content to impact”
Paris (France) - 2020
The Blies brothers were invited by NewImages Festival in Paris to speak about the possibilities of an immersive media to change the world and make a reel impact. The co-panelists were Kristine Severson (HTC Vive) and Valérie Montmartin (Producer at Little Big Story).
“How to exist in the mediatic noise ?“
Luxembourg City (Luxembourg) - 2019
Oleksandra Matviitchuk (Nobel Peace Prize 2022), Edwy Plenel (Mediapart), Peter Gallo (UN), Olivier Crouzel (Artist), Youpress (Journalist) and the Blies brothers participated to this panel organized by the film production company a_BAHN and the Luxemburger Film Festival. They all shared their different experiences about how to make your voice heard despite the overabundance of information in the world.

"Danse, art and trauma”
Roma (Italia) - 2018
During her residency at the Villa Medicis in Rome, the Rwandan dancer and choreographer Dorothee Munyaneza proposed to Blies brothers to participate in a discussion about dance, art and trauma. This discussion took place during the Rome Dance Festival. It was also an opportunity for the three artists to discuss a shared experience between Dorothee’s dance performance, Unwanted, dedicated to children born of rape during the genocide in Rwanda, and the Blies brothers’ film Zero Impunity.
“Sexual violences in war zone with Nobel Prize Dr. Mukwege”
Angers (France) - 2018
The University of Angers and the Dr. Denis Mukwege (Peace Nobel Prize 2018) organized a Symposium about sexual violences in war zone. It was the opportunity for the Blies brothers to
discuss the ability of art and artists to make a difficult subject audible to the public and thus give additional possibilities of communication and impact for NGOs and human rights activists.

"Become a soundhunter!" SXSW
Austin (USA) - 2016
The prestigious international music and film festival South By South West (SXSW) in Austin asked the Blies brothers to become a panelist and talk about their Soundhunters project, which was designed to turn the world into an infinite musical instrument.
"Les chasseurs de sons
à La Gaité Lyrique"
Paris (France) - 2015
The Blies brothers and Jean Michel Jarre had the opportunity to discuss sounds and music during the event organized by La Gaité Lyrique, a cultural center dedicated to digital arts and current music. It was the occasion for them to share the experience around the Soundhunters project of the Blies brothers inspired by the album Zoolook of Jean Michel Jarre.

With Jean-Michel Jarre

With Jean-Michel Jarre

With Jean-Michel Jarre